i have a webpage that contains articles. Users are able to "Like" these articles. What i want to create is a list of top rated articles for each weeek/month, like "This weeks popular articles", "Last weeks popular articles" etc. I would like to know how to correctly implement this and calculate the votes so it will not slow the db/webpage later. Thanks, Oak
You can create a function that accepts 3 parameters
public List<Aritcle> GetTopArticles(int top, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
//Implement this method
//Select Top(10) * From Article
//Where likeDate Between startDate AND endDate
You can now call this method several times based on the date you want e.g. This week, last week, last month
var topArticlesThisWeek = GetTopArticles(10, DateTime.Parse('2013-03-24'), DateTime.Today);
var topArticlesLastMonth = GetTopArticles(10, DateTime.Parse('2013-02-01'), DateTime.Parse('2013-02-29'));
But those days have to be dynamic - not as hard-coded as I did