I am working with emacs and nrepl. How can I do the following:
Exit nrepl
(currently I just kill the buffer)
Reload everything I was working with in nrepl
The problem I'm trying to solve by doing this is that when I have loaded an ns
form and it has an error, I am unable to load the correct code because it keeps giving me the previous error.
1) Exit the nrepl (currently I just kill the buffer)
M-x nrepl-quit
2) Reload everything in the nrepl. (I have this problem when I haave loaded the ns, and it has an error. Then I am unable to load the correct code, it still keeps giving me the previous error)
You can switch to the buffer and use C-c C-k
to load the buffer, or just use C-c C-c
to eval an expression. Another option would be:
(use :reload 'my.namespace)
in the REPL.