acceptFileTypes: /(\.|\/)(jpg)$/i
.on('fileuploadadd', function (e, data) {
console.log(data.files.valid); //undefined
setTimeout(function () {
console.log(data.files.valid); //true or false
}, 500);
How to get boolean value of property data.files.valid
without timeout ?
Here is what you want to do:
acceptFileTypes: /(\.|\/)(jpg)$/i
.bind('fileuploadadded', function (e, data) {
The core jquery.fileupload.js file is adding your files and triggering the "fileuploadadd" event, but that's before the files are validated.
The file jquery.fileupload-ui.js is doing the validation after the files are added, and triggering another "fileuploadadded" event once that's done.
Change the event, and you're all set.
This answer was valid and working as of March 2013 when it was posted. It appears that this upload plugin has changed since then. That means there is a new problem, and you should post a new question (or search to see if someone already has) rather than downvote this one!