If i have a gradle multi-project like this
+-- SubProjectA
+-- SubProjectB
and every project has a task 'foo', i can call it on the root project
RootProject>gradle foo
and it also gets executed for the subprojects
But if i call task ':foo' from a Subproject
RootProject\SubProjectA>gradle :foo
only the task on root project gets executed
but not the 'foo' tasks on the subprojects.
Is there a way to call 'foo' on all projects while being in a subproject? I'm asking this because i am using the gradle eclipse plug-in and there i only have access to the subprojects, i.e. the projects that i see in eclipse.
By the way: The (somewhat hacky) solution i came up with so far
task fooAll(type:Exec) {
workingDir '..'
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'gradle foo'
Resolving of task names (e.g. foo
) to tasks is a function of the start directory, which defaults to the current directory. You can change the start directory with the -p
command line option (see gradle --help
). So you'd have to do something like gradle foo -p ../
Also importing the root project might be a better way to solve your Eclipse problem. The Eclipse tooling handles hierarchical directory layouts very well.
PS: :foo
is a task path. It refers to the task named foo
in the root project (: