I need to go recursively through directories. First argument must be directory in which I need to start from, second argument is regex which describes name of the file.
ex. ./myscript.sh directory "regex"
While script recursively goes through directories and files, it must use wc -l to count lines in the files which are described by regex.
How can I use find with -exec to do that? Or there is maybe some other way to do it? Please help.
Yes, you can use find
$ find DIR -iname "regex" -type f -exec wc -l '{}' \;
Or, if you want to count the total number of lines, in all files:
$ find DIR -iname "regex" -type f -exec wc -l '{}' \; | awk '{ SUM += $1 } END { print SUM }'
Your script would then look like:
# $1 - name of the directory - first argument
# $2 - regex - second argument
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo Usage: ./myscript.sh DIR "REGEX"
find "$1" -iname "$2" -type f -exec wc -l '{}' \;
Edit: - if you need more fancy regular expressions, use -regextype posix-extended
and -regex
instead of -iname
as noted by @sudo_O in his answer.