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Creating R package containing C++ on Windows

My goal is to create a package in R with C++ code: So my questions is how?

I am following the tutorial on creating an R package containing C++ code. The specific code Im trying to compile and package is exactly as described in the tutorial.

R CMD SHLIB seems to be working creating .dll file. I can load in R using dyn.load() and test it on simulated data (as described in tutorial)

R CMD INSTALL is where the problem begins. I have done two things encountering two different errors supposedly related:

1) The tutorial says the NAMESPACE file is supposed to contain the code:


When it does R CMD INSTALL fail resulting in error:

Error in inDL(x,as.logical(local), as.logical(now),...): unable to load shared object 'C:/.../libs/i386/XDemo.dll': Loadlibrary failure: 1% is not a valid Win32-program

2) Removing the above mentioned lines in NAMESPACE file will result in installation of package. I can succesfully load it in R but when I try to use the R function that makes a .C() call to the C++ written function I another error:

[[1]] "XDemoAutoC"
  Warning message:
 In ls(package:newpackage) :
 ‘package:newpackage’ converted to character string
Error in .C("DemoAutoCor", OutVec = as.double(vector("numeric", OutLength)),  : 
 C symbol name "DemoAutoCor" not in load table

Im running version R2.15.2 on windows 64-bit and using R64 bit.

I read the following post with a similar problem:

Except they mention nothing about the NAMESPACE-matter.

Also I read this post: Problem with loading compiled c code in R x64 using dyn.load

So I am thinking: that based on the fact that I am able to use dyn.load() in Rx64 means that I have succesfully created x64 .dll. Assuming that the NAMESPACE file is supposed to be left as in the tutorial - hopefully fixing the >>not in load table<< error - this would mean I should focus on fixing problem one. This problem seems to be caused by something related to 32-bit. I have used Dependency Walker on the .dll file but I am not sure how to interpret the results enter image description here

I really don't have any ideas on how to fix this problem so any suggestion on what to do would be welcome?


  • I think you are doing it wrong. Two quick suggestions:

    1. Read the Writing R Extensions manual written to explain just this: writing R extensions including those with compiled code

    2. Have a look at Rcpp which makes R and C++ extensions, including package building so much easier. Or so we think. Writing a package is as easy as calling Rcpp.package.skeleton(). The documentation in 1) still help.

    That said, if R CMD INSTALL fails you may have some mixup in your $PATH. Never ever mix MinGW and Cygwin. Make sure no Cygwin DLLs are found when you build or call R. Path order matters greatly. See the manual for details.