I am trying to find the width of a loaded image in clojure. In processing I would do this,
PImage img=loadImage("image.jpg");
int x=img.width;
int y=img.height;
I tried to do this same in clojure but it won't work
(defn loadwebimg []
(let [filelst (map (fn [f] (.getName f)) (.listFiles (File. (str datadir))))
imgf (first (shuffle filelst))
webimg (load-image (str datadir imgf))
(image webimg 0 0)
(println webimg.height))
If webimg is an object when you would use the .
special form to read its fields like you do for the file objects you use above it.
as user100464 points out:
(println webimg.height)
would become
(println (. webimg height)
(println (.height webimg))