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JSfiddle: What is my fiddle's javascript (*.js) url ? so I can reuse it by src

What is the url to get and only get this fiddle's javascript code ?

So later on, I may use it for tests by calling it using a <script rel="" src=""></script> link, something like :

<script rel="script" src=""></script>

JSfiddle store versions of our scripts, which my IDE doesn't.

Edit: I'am aware of the /show/ page, my question is is there an independant .js page ?

Edit: As of March 2013, the following patterns works! (pls +1 Danny's answer!)


  • It looks like you can add it to your page with the following:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    However that url doesn't look to be officially documented and may change. More info here