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Make error: install hqp (huge quadratic programming) on OS X

I am trying to install hqp on OS X, but seems the gcc compiler is quite different. When running make, I first come to an error like malloc.h not found, I wrap the #include header like:

#if !defined(__APPLE__)
#include <malloc.h>

In this way, the first problem is solved. But when I continue to run make, I got things like:

g++ -shared -o Hqp_Init.o Hqp.o sprcm.o Meschach.o spBKP.o matBKP.o bdBKP.o Hqp_impl.o Hqp_Program.o Hqp_Solver.o Hqp_Client.o Hqp_IpsFranke.o Hqp_IpsMehrotra.o Hqp_IpMatrix.o Hqp_IpSpBKP.o Hqp_IpRedSpBKP.o Hqp_IpLQDOCP.o t_mesch.o Hqp_IpSpSC.o meschext_hl.o Hqp_SqpSolver.o Hqp_SqpPowell.o Hqp_SqpSchittkowski.o Hqp_HL.o Hqp_HL_Gerschgorin.o Hqp_HL_DScale.o Hqp_HL_BFGS.o Hqp_HL_SparseBFGS.o Hqp_SqpProgram.o Hqp_Docp.o hqp_solve.o \
          ../meschach/*.o ../iftcl/*.o -L"/sw/lib" -Wl,-rpath,"/sw/lib" -ltclstub8.5
i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-g++-4.2: ../meschach/*.o: No such file or directory
i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-g++-4.2: ../iftcl/*.o: No such file or directory

Does anyone know what component is different this time? I tried reinstall the latest version of tcl, but it seems not to be the problem. Find it really hard to google a solution...


  • Without actually testing the result, I got this to work using the following steps. I have to say that this set of makefiles does not work as it should, especially with regard to how the dependencies are set up.

    First, edit meschach/machine.h and remove the #include <malloc.h>, or make it conditional like you did with the __APPLE__ ifdef. The only reason why malloc.h is included seems to be for malloc() and free() and those get included via stdlib.h anyway.

    Then edit and append -I/usr/include/malloc to MES_INCDIR, leaving you with MES_INCDIR = -I.. -I/usr/include/malloc.

    With these two steps in place, doing ./configure followed by make should already give you in the lib directory, which might be sufficient for you.

    However, there is also an executable called docp in the directory hqp_docp which gets executed during the make process. It does not work because it can not find the shared libary I resolved that by cd-ing into the lib directory and setting export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD. I am not sure whether running docp is an essential part of the process though.

    Finally, the building of a library called omu breaks because the linker is not passed any reference to the required library I did not figure out why this would work on other systems, and I do not know whether you need that libomu at all. I just did a quick fix by adding -L../lib -lhqp to the end of the linker-command in omu/Makefile. That is the command starting with $(LD).

    I hope I did not forget any of the steps I took, let me know if it still breaks for you somewhere.