I've got a program that uses Jetty version 8 to send an http post. My response handler works, but I'm getting an http response code 303, which is a redirect. I read a comment that jetty 8 has support for following these redirects, but I can not figure out how to set it up. I've tried looking at the javadocs, and I found the RedirectListener class, but no details on how to use it. My attempts at guessing how to code it haven't worked so I'm stuck. All help is appreciated!
I looked through the jetty source code and found that it will only redirect when the response code is either 301 or 302. I was able to override the RedirectListener to get it to handle repose code 303 as well. After that Joakim's code works perfectly.
public class MyRedirectListener extends RedirectListener
public MyRedirectListener(HttpDestination destination, HttpExchange ex)
super(destination, ex);
public void onResponseStatus(Buffer version, int status, Buffer reason)
throws IOException
// Since the default RedirectListener only cares about http
// response codes 301 and 302, we override this method and
// trick the super class into handling this case for us.
if (status == HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER_303)
status = HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY_302;
Simple enough
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// do your exchange here
ContentExchange get = new ContentExchange();
int state = get.waitForDone();
int status = get.getResponseStatus();
if(status != HttpStatus.OK_200)
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get content: " + status);
String content = get.getResponseContent();
// do something with the content