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ServiceStack Basic Authentication HtmlRedirect is not respected by MVC ServiceStackController

I'm probably not understanding something but I have the issue below:


Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(
            () => new AuthUserSession(),
            new IAuthProvider[] { new BasicAuthProvider() }) { HtmlRedirect = null });


public class HomeController : ServiceStackController

The issue

The issue is that when I try to access the HomeController, I am redirected to ~/login?redirect=.....

I would assume that by setting HtmlRedirect to null, would also affect the MVC controllers too, but it doesn't seem to.

Is this expected behaviour? or is am I doing something wrong?

My end goal is to have the browser prompt with a challenge / response basic auth box.


  • Since this commit you are able to override the default behavior when authentication failed:

    public class HomeController : ServiceStackController
        public override ActionResult AuthenticationErrorResult
                //return 401 Unauthorized for example
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(401);

    ServiceStackController.AuthorizationErrorResult can be modified in the same way.

    Setting HtmlRedirect to null doesn't work in this case, because the behavior of the [Authenticate] attribute (and all other ServiceStack attributes) is slightly different when used with MVC controllers instead of ServiceStack services.