Search code examples

GroupCommand Extra Param (

When I click in my GroupCommand, I get this error:

"ReferenceError: record is not defined"

This is the code:

    <GroupCommand OnEvent="GrdHorarios_GroupCommand">
        <EventMask ShowMask="true" MinDelay="2000" Msg="Carregando" />
            <ext:Parameter Value="" Mode="Raw" Name="elencoId">
            <ext:Parameter Value="command" Mode="Raw" Name="commandName">

Can I use the in a GroupCommand or exists a other way?


  • The GroupCommand event fires in the context of the clicked group of records. So, a "record" parameter would not make a lot of sense. So, an array of records which the clicked group consist of is passed into a GroupCommand listener. Well, as @assoline stated.