After spending awhile (their wiki pages for CSV access are no longer valid, the password provided does not work) and their SVN repositories do not contain the code to Eclipse IDE or the core plugins. The same problem also appears to apply to their GIT repositories. In particular I am looking for the source code of this core plugin class (not even java specific):
plugin: org.eclipse.debug.core
class: org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IProcess
Finally, I also tried to import the plugin as a fragment with source directory. There is no packaged source file. My last option is to decompile the class files, but please tell me there is a better repository I can access with read only permission? Again their wiki is either outdated or not pointing me to the core code but other project repos.
I found it, the tricky part was there are so many repos just listed there on their git repo page (, you kind of have to inspect each page, it is listed under the category "platform", as opposed to all the plugin ID's being listed in alphabetic order:
For org.eclipse.debug.core (where IProcess is), it is here: