I'm new to iBatis. I would like if it's possible to pass multiple values into xml.
for example,
<select id="getSth" resultClass="Object" parameterClass="Object">
select * from table
<isNotEmpty property="startDate, endDate" prepend="AND">
date_start >= #startDate# AND date_end <= #endDate#
is it possible like that? if not, any method??
Thanks in advance.
No, It is not possible to use multiple values in property attribute. But you can use nested tag to achieve this.
<select id="getSth" resultClass="Object" parameterClass="Object">
select * from table
<isNotEmpty property="startDate" >
<isNotEmpty property="endDate" >
where date_start >= #startDate# AND date_end <= #endDate#
PS: you cannot use less than '<' , greater than '>' symbol inside the query. Instead use <
and >