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Decompiled assembly - unusual code

I decompiled an assembly using ILSpy, and one class in particular got my attention:

public class CustomTextStream : NetworkStream
    private EventHandler<CustomEventArgs> someEvent;
    public event EventHandler<CustomEventArgs> SomePublicEvent
            EventHandler<CustomEventArgs> eventHandler = this.someEvent;
            EventHandler<CustomEventArgs> eventHandler2;
                eventHandler2 = eventHandler;
                EventHandler<CustomEventArgs> value2 = 
                    (EventHandler<CustomEventArgs>)Delegate.Combine(eventHandler2, value);
                eventHandler = 
                    ref this.someEvent, value2, eventHandler2);
            while (eventHandler != eventHandler2);
            // similar stuff...

Further in the code, seems like private delegate is used to fire an actual event:

if (something != null && somethingElse != 0)
    this.someEvent(this, new CustomEventArgs(someArg));

The question: Can someone guess what could be the idea behind this custom accessors, assuming that some "compile/decompile magic" didn't take place? I'm not much familiar with IL, btw...

(Side note: the application is multi-threaded and utilizes networking, obviously.)


  • This is a new event handler code generated by compiler. It was introduced in C# 4 (C# 3 version was different)

    Interlocked.CompareExchange compares first argument with third, and if they are equal, replaces first argument with second. This is a thread-safe operation. Loop is used for a case when after assigning a variable eventHandler2 and before check, another thread changes this delegate. In this case, Interlocked.CompareExchange does not perform exchange, loop condition does not evaluate to true and next attempt is made.

    C# 3 generated simple code in event handlers:

    add { lock(this) { changed = changed + value; } }

    Which had lower performance and could introduce deadlocks.

    There is a great series of articles on this subject:

    Events get a little overhaul in C# 4

    Events get a little overhaul in C# 4, Part II