I have a twitter-bootstrap navbar in the middle of some content and I would like to make it sticky.
I am using the sticky jquery plugin, github page.
As it says in the github page itself:
In some cases you might need to set a fixed width to your element when it is "sticked"
I've experimented with this and:
The only difference lies here:
The problem is that I can't make it work for my navbar that when scrolled just jumps to a smaller width and stays in place.
See the example here.
No now I'm conflicted as to how to solve the problem since I am happy the way the navbar is looking, would adding a fixed width break the twitter-bootstrap functionality?
The other problem is that even when adding a fixed width, it doesn't become sticky either.
Here is the example where I have added:
So the question I have is either:
Whatever pointers in the right direction, solving this particular problem or avoiding them by using a completely different approach will do.
To avoid fixing code, i recommend hcSticky jQuery plugin.
Implementation is easy: $('selector').hcSticky();
After implementing this plugin, your code looks like THIS FIDDLE.