I guess my prolem is best described with the following picture.
How can I tell JUNG to place everything in the visible area?
This is my VertexShapeTransformer
new org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer[String,java.awt.Shape]() {
def transform(label: String): java.awt.Shape = {
val longest_name = label.length
val width = longest_name * 10.0 // 12.0 is approx size of letter
val circle = new java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Double(-(width/2), -12.5, width, 25);
When I remove it, the small default circles fit in the window but the vertex label is still not in the window.
I found a solution. For vv: VisualizationViewer[String, String]
, the following function updates the layouter algorithm (scala code).
It calls the relaxer on the layouter (if it supports relaxing) and then rearranges the vertices. The layout.setLocation
function is called for every vertex, to make sure that it is in the printable screen area.
* change the graph layouter
* with fancy animation
def changeJUNGLayout(layout: jung.algorithms.layout.AbstractLayout[String, String]): Unit =
assert(vv.getModel().getRelaxer() eq null)
val relaxer: jung.algorithms.layout.util.Relaxer
= new jung.algorithms.layout.util.VisRunner(
import collection.JavaConversions._
val vs : Iterable[String] = layout.getGraph().getVertices()
for (v <- vs){
//println(v+" "+layout.getX(v)+" "+layout.getY(v))
val minX = v.length()*5.0
val maxX = vv.getSize().getWidth() - minX
val X = layout.getX(v)
val newX = if (X < minX) minX else if (X > maxX) maxX else X
val minY = 12.5
val maxY = vv.getSize().getHeight() - minY
val Y = layout.getY(v)
val newY = if (Y < minY) minY else if (Y > maxY) maxY else Y
layout.setLocation(v, newX, newY)
val staticLayout: jung.algorithms.layout.Layout[String, String] =
new jung.algorithms.layout.StaticLayout[String, String](jung_graph, layout)
val lt: jung.visualization.layout.LayoutTransition[String,String] =
new jung.visualization.layout.LayoutTransition[String,String](vv, vv.getGraphLayout(),
val animator = new jung.visualization.util.Animator(lt);