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Separating output records in AWK without a trailing separator

I have the following records:

31 Stockholm
42 Talin
34 Helsinki
24 Moscow
15 Tokyo

And I want to convert it to JSON with AWK. Using this code:

    print "{";
    FS=" ";

    if ( !a[city]++ && NR > 1 ) {
        key = $2;
        value = $1;
        print "\"" key "\"", value;

    OFS=" ";
    print "\b\b}";

Gives me this:

"Tokyo":15, <--- I don't want this comma

The problem is that trailing comma on the last data line. It makes the JSON output not acceptable. How can I get this output:



  • Mind some feedback on your posted script?

    #!/usr/bin/awk        # Just be aware that on Solaris this will be old, broken awk which you must never use
    BEGIN {
        print "{";        # On this and every other line, the trailing semi-colon is a pointless null-statement, remove all of these.
        FS=" ";           # This is setting FS to the value it already has so remove it.
        if ( !a[city]++ && NR > 1 ) {      # awk consists of <condition>{<action} segments so move this condition out to the condition part
                                           # also, you never populate a variable named "city" so `!a[city]++` won't behave sensibly.
            key = $2;
            value = $1;
            print "\"" key "\"", value;
    END {
        ORS="\n";                          # no need to set ORS and OFS when the script will no longer use them.
        OFS=" ";
        print "\b\b}";                     # why would you want to print a backspace???

    so your original script should have been written as:

    BEGIN {
        print "{"
    !a[city]++ && (NR > 1) {    
        key = $2
        value = $1
        print "\"" key "\"", value
    END {
        print "}"

    Here's how I'd really write a script to convert your posted input to your posted output though:

    $ cat file
    31 Stockholm
    42 Talin
    34 Helsinki
    24 Moscow
    15 Tokyo
    $ awk 'BEGIN{print "{"} {printf "%s\"%s\":%s",sep,$2,$1; sep=",\n"} END{print "\n}"}' file