First of all: I know I can calc the distance from a point
to a line
to check if the point was on the line. This is what I do for detecting clicks (with an offset
) on a line.
But before that, I want to apply a general check around the diagonal line
The line itself with Start and End point defines a rectangular area:
Pstart(sx, sy), Pend(ex, ey).
I can use boundary check to determine if the Point(px, py)
was inside that rectangle
sx <= px && ex >= px && sy <= px && ey >= py
But this only applies if the line goes from top left to bottom right. If it goes a different direction I have to modify the algorithm. How could I use my formula above regardless of the line direction?
How can I get the formula to respect the direction accordingly?
Just compare for Math.min(sx, ex) <= px <= Math.max(sx, ex)
and likewise for the y