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CKEditor Inline selection wrapping

I'm looking for a way to add a inline span element with attributes to a selection. The hard part of this is getting it working with selections that pass over multiple block level elements.

I was looking in the sourcecode of the StyleCombobox and found this line.

var style = styles[ value ],
elementPath = editor.elementPath();
editor[ style.checkActive( elementPath ) ? 'removeStyle' : 'applyStyle' ]( style );

This way it already works on multiple block level elements.

The only thing is that i would like to apply attributes to the span that is made around the multiple selections for different block level elements instead of applying a style element.

Does anyone know how this can be done?


  • I used this as solution. It is indeed possible to set attributes and element type. this wasn't defined in the api. I found this in the CKEditor 3.0 api (older version)

    var style = new{attributes: {name:"changed"}});