I am connecting mysql via java. I am trying to insert a record and i am finding the status using statement.getGeneratedKeys()
and then if (generatedKeys.next())
. Now can i get a value of coulmn which was inserted (ie) i have column named pass and it is an auto_increament column and it is my primary key and now i want to get the value which was inserted in this column. Is it possible??
The standard MySQL Connector J driver does support getting generated keys, yes. Here is some sample code:
final Connection conn ; // setup connection
final String SQL ; // define SQL template string
final PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(
int affected = stmt.executeUpdate();
if (affected > 0) {
final ResultSet keySet = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
while (keySet.next()) {
// these are your autogenerated keys, do something with them