How can i achieve a radial wipe animation in CSS3 or JS?
It's seems so simple but I can't figure it out.
Here's a basic way of doing it using jQuery. There may be plug-ins available that would simplify this.
<svg xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1">
<!-- 0 degrees arc -->
<path d="M100,100 v-100 a100,100 0 0,1 0,0 z"
id="circle-wipe" fill="#999" stroke-width="0" />
svg {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
// Utility function for drawing the circle arc
function drawCircleArc(elem, angle) {
var endAngleDeg = angle - 90;
var endAngleRad = (endAngleDeg * Math.PI) / 180;
var largeArcFlag = (angle < 180 ? '0' : '1');
var endX = Math.cos(endAngleRad) * 100;
var endY = 100 + (Math.sin(endAngleRad) * 100);
var data = 'M100,100 v-100 a100,100 0 ' + largeArcFlag + ',1 ' +
endX + ',' + endY + ' z';
$(elem).attr('d', data);
// Code for running the animation
var arcAngle = 0; // Starts at 0, ends at 360
var arcAngleBy = 10; // Degrees per frame
var arcAngleDelay = 50; // Duration of each frame in msec
function updateCircleWipe() {
arcAngle += arcAngleBy;
drawCircleArc('#circle-wipe', arcAngle);
if (arcAngle < 360) {
setTimeout(function(){ updateCircleWipe(); }, arcAngleDelay);
setTimeout(function(){ updateCircleWipe(); }, arcAngleDelay);
See also: