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Build symbol table from grammar

I am trying to build a symbol table from my grammar (done with antlr) by using eclipse. However I don't know by what to begin. I think I read somewhere that you would need the parser and lexer generated by antlr to do that. Does someone know an easy example so that I can understand how it works please ?


  • A symbol table is just a versioned map of id's to values. This is one solution, using a push and pop of scopes as the versioning mechanism -- push a scope on entry of a scope defining rule and pop on exit.

    package net.certiv.metal.symbol;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import net.certiv.metal.types.ScopeType;
    import net.certiv.metal.util.Strings;
    public class Scope {
        public final int genId;
        public ScopeType type;
        public Scope enclosingScope;
        protected Map<String, Symbol> symbolMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Symbol>();
        public Scope(ScopeType type, final int genId, Scope enclosingScope) {
            this.type = type;
            this.genId = genId;
            this.enclosingScope = enclosingScope;
         * Define a new variable in the current scope 
         * This is the entry point for adding new variables
        public void define(String name, ArrayList<String> parameters) {
            String params = Strings.asString(parameters, true, ".");
            Symbol symbol = new Symbol(null, name + params, null);
        /** Define a symbol in the current scope */
        private void define(Symbol symbol) {
            symbolMap.put(, symbol);
         * Look up the symbol name in this scope and, if not found, 
         * progressively search the enclosing scopes. 
         * Return null if not found in any applicable scope.
        private Symbol resolve(String name) {
            Symbol symbol = symbolMap.get(name);
            if (symbol != null) return symbol;
            if (enclosingScope != null) return enclosingScope.resolve(name);
            return null; // not found
         * Lookup a variable starting in the current scope.
         * This is the entry point for lookups
        public Symbol resolve(String name, ArrayList<String> parameters) {
            String params = Strings.asString(parameters, true, ".");
            return resolve(name + params);
        /** Where to look next for symbols */
        public Scope enclosingScope() {
            return enclosingScope;
        public String toString() {
            return symbolMap.keySet().toString();
    package net.certiv.metal.types;
    public enum ScopeType {
    package net.certiv.metal.symbol;
    import net.certiv.metal.converter.BaseDescriptor;
    import net.certiv.metal.types.ValueType;
    public class Symbol {
        protected Scope scope; // the owning scope
        protected BaseDescriptor descriptor;
        protected String name;
        protected ValueType type;
        public Symbol(BaseDescriptor descriptor, String name, ValueType type) {
            this.descriptor = descriptor;
   = name;
            this.type = type;
        public BaseDescriptor getDescriptor() {
            return descriptor;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public ValueType getType() {
            return type;
        public void setScope(Scope scope) {
            this.scope = scope;
        public Scope getScope() {
            return scope;
        public int genId() {
            return scope.genId;
        public String toString() {
            if (type != null) return '<' + getName() + ":" + type + '>';
            return getName();
    package net.certiv.metal.symbol;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Stack;
    import net.certiv.metal.types.ScopeType;
    import net.certiv.metal.util.Log;
    public class SymbolTable {
        protected Stack<Scope> scopeStack;
        protected ArrayList<Scope> allScopes;
        protected int genId;
        public SymbolTable() {
        protected void init() {
            scopeStack = new Stack<>();
            allScopes = new ArrayList<>();
            genId = 0;
            Scope globals = new Scope(ScopeType.GLOBAL, nextGenId(), null);
        public Scope pushScope() {
            Scope enclosingScope = scopeStack.peek();
            Scope scope = new Scope(ScopeType.LOCAL, nextGenId(), enclosingScope);
            return scope;
        public void popScope() {
        public Scope currentScope() {
            if (scopeStack.size() > 0) {
                return scopeStack.peek();
            Log.error(this, "Unbalanced scope stack.");
            return allScopes.get(0);
        public Scope getScope(int genId) {
            for (Scope scope : scopeStack) {
                if (scope.genId == genId) return scope;
            return null;
        private int nextGenId() {
            return genId;
        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (Scope scope : scopeStack.subList(0, scopeStack.size() - 1)) {
            return sb.toString();