for every variable i, below code should traverse thro' each bookmark node and compares the url, whether it exist or not.
chrome.bookmarks.getChildren(Traverse[i], function(child){ //to fetch the child nodes
Loc =child.length;
alert(Loc); // This message to appear first
if(Loc != 0){
child.forEach(function(book) {
if (book.url == urL){
alert("Bookmark already exist");
element = "init";
alert("message to be printed last");
since the method is asynchronous, i'm getting the last message and bookmark traversing doesn't happens. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks !!
You probably need a closure:
(function(my_i) {
chrome.bookmarks.getChildren(Traverse[my_i], function(child){
Loc =child.length;
if(Loc != 0){
child.forEach(function(book) {
if (book.url == urL){
alert("Bookmark already exist");
element = "init";
alert("message to be printed last");
I'm guessing you're aware that you are overwriting both the Loc
and the element
variables on each iteration inside the loop ?