I'm making a small C# app and I have a small issue .
I have a .xml with plain text and I need only the 4th line .
string filename = "file.xml";
if (File.Exists(filename))
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename);
textBox1.Text += (lines[4]);
Till now everything is good, my only problem is that I have to remove from the 4th line some words and symbols .
My bad words and symbols :
word 1
I'v been looking on google however I couldn't find anything for C#. Found a code for VB , but I'm new in this and I really don't know how to convert it and make it working.
Dim crlf$, badChars$, badChars2$, i, tt$
crlf$ = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
badChars$ = "\/:*?""<>|" ' For Testing, no spaces
badChars2$ = "\ / : * ? "" < > |" ' For Display, has spaces
' Check for bad characters
For i = 1 To Len(tt$)
If InStr(badChars$, Mid(tt$, i, 1)) <> 0 Then
temp = MsgBox("A directory name may not contain any of the following" _
& crlf$ & crlf$ & " " & badChars2$, _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, _
"Bad Characters")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
Thank you.
textBox1.Text += (lines[4]
.Replace("Word 1", String.Empty)
.Replace(":", String.Empty)
.Replace("'", String.Empty)
.Replace(",", String.Empty));
You could replace them with nothing:
textBox1.Text += lines[4].Replace("word 1 ", string.Empty)
.Replace(":", string.Empty)
.Replace("'", string.Empty)
.Replace(",", string.Empty);
Or perhaps create an array of expressions you want removed, and replace them all with nothing.
string[] wordsToBeRemoved = { "word 1", ":", "'", "," };
string result = lines[4];
foreach (string toBeRemoved in wordsToBeRemoved) {
result = result.Replace(toBeRemoved, string.Empty);
textBox1.Text += result;