I'm trying to convert/cast varchar mm/dd/yyyy data into datetime mm/dd/yyyy format so that I can query a range using a between clause.
I've seen a similar question asked previously, but without the slashes in the date and I'm not sure how to work around that.
To do a proper range query, you can convert from your bad regional formats in a predictable way, and then use an open-ended range. Now this doesn't protect you from someone entering 06/08/2013
and meaning August 6th instead of June 8th, but if you support free text entry, that's a risk you'll have to take.
SELECT @s = CONVERT(DATETIME, '03/13/2013', 101),
@e = CONVERT(DATETIME, '03/26/2013', 101);
SELECT <cols>
FROM dbo.table_name
WHERE datetime_column >= @s
AND datetime_column < DATEADD(DAY, 1, @e);
Ideally, you wouldn't allow users to type in regional nonsense like m/d/y
. If you control the input format to the stored procedure, you can send an unambiguous date literal like YYYYMMDD
. Or better yet, use a strongly typed parameter. The more you can take away from users entering ad hoc nonsense the less headache you'll have. Please read these articles: