I'm starting to learn more about jQuery plugin patterns, but I've run into something. See code below. I want to access my plugins options/defaults from with an onclick function, but I'm not sure how.
function SomePlugin(element,options)
this.$el = $(element);
this.options = $.extend({},
button: '#button',
SomePlugin.prototype =
var button = this.$el.find(this.options.button)
button.on('click', this.onClick);
onClick: function(event){
// Need to access the options (someVariable, anotherVariable) here... how?
$.fn.somePlugin = function(options)
return this.each(function()
if( !$.data(this,'somePlugin') )
$.data(this,'somePlugin',new SomePlugin(this,options));
I've tried the code below, but this doesn't feel right for some reason. Is there a better way? Also I you have any other suggesties or tips regarding my plugin structure, please let me know. BTW I've left out the jQuery wrapper for readability
function SomePlugin(element,options)
this.el = element;
this.$el = $(element);
this.options = $.extend({},
button: '#button',
SomePlugin.prototype =
var button = this.$el.find(this.options.button)
button.on('click', {instance:this}, this.onClick);
onClick: function(event){
// Options can be accessed using event.data.instance.options ... is there an easier way?
$.fn.somePlugin = function(options)
return this.each(function()
if( !$.data(this,'somePlugin') )
$.data(this,'somePlugin',new SomePlugin(this,options));
I've answered my own question. The trick was to use jQuery's $.proxy() method like this:
button.on('click', $.proxy(this.onClick), this);
And to refer to the clicked button (since 'this' now refers to SomePlugin class):
onClick: function(event){
// This now refers to SomePlugin class, yay!
// Use event.target instead of this to refer to the clicked element