I am try to insert a picture (.bmp) into a container field in Filemaker. I have managed to get it to insert fine, but it saves it as a .dat file. I was wondering if there was a way to specify what file type to save it as?
Bitmap tempImage = new Bitmap("C:\\temp\\black.bmp");
System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
tempImage.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
byte[] image = stream.ToArray();
OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection("DSN=Filemaker;UID=admin");
OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand("INSERT INTO TestDatabase (LocatorNum, FileName, SampleSet, Image) VALUES (" +
"'003'" + ", " +
"'003'" + ", " +
"'003'" + ", " +
"?" + ")");
command.Connection = connection;
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", OdbcType.VarBinary).Value = image;
catch (Exception ex)
FileMaker containers have multiple streams. Each stream is identified with a four-character identifier: 'FNAM'
is file name, 'SIZE'
is image dimensions, 'FILE'
is file data. If you want the container to display as an image, you can have a supported image stream, e.g. 'JPEG'
, 'PDF '
(note the trailing space), and so on.
In your case you need to put your data into one of streams. I don't know if FileMaker supports BMP as an image format, at least I cannot find the stream code for it, but at least you put it as 'FILE'
. FileMaker docs say that you need to use the PutAs()
PutAs( column, type )
I'm not sure how exactly is it to be used and cannot test right now, but from what I understand it must be among column names:
INSERT INTO TestDatabase
(LocatorNum, FileName, SampleSet, PutAs(Image, 'FILE'))
VALUES ('003', '003', '003', ?)
Maybe you can edit multiple streams this way, i.e.:
INSERT INTO TestDatabase
(..., PutAs(Image, 'FILE'), PutAs(Image, 'JPEG'), ...)
, 'JPEG'
and other similar streams are binary, so you need to declare a ?
placeholder and then bind the query with parameters the way you do this now. I'm not sure about the 'FNAM'
stream though; I suspect it can be simply set to a string. I have no idea how to pass 'SIZE'
, but I think FileMaker can calculate this one on its own.
UPDATE: BMP stream code is 'BMPf'