This might be little bit stupid question but I could not find any work-around or think of any solutions to the following problem...
public class Example: IExample, INotifyPropertyChanged
public Example()
/// Does not works properly...
string fooString;
string IExample.A
get { return this.fooString; }
this.fooString= value;
/// Works just fine
string fooString;
public string A
get { return this.fooString; }
this.fooString= value;
PropertyChangedEventHandler propertyChangedHandler;
private void onPropertyChange(string propertyName)
if (this.propertyChangedHandler != null)
propertyChangedHandler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
event PropertyChangedEventHandler INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
add { this.propertyChangedHandler += value; }
remove { this.propertyChangedHandler -= value; }
As you can see from the code I have a class Example who implements from INotifyPropertyChanged and my IExample interface who has 1 property A.
Since I am using Explicit interface implementation I am forced to refer to my A through my IExample interface
And that is where my problem is. Since A is coming from IExamle Explicitly when value changes INotifyPropertyChanged does not gets fired...
Which makes sense.
Any thoughts/ideas how to keep Explicit interface implementation and INotifyPropertyChanged and still get the job done?
You might ask why I am obsessed with Explicit interface implementation
1) it's cool [I know horrible reason]
2) its clarity and better code readability [mostly because of this]
3) It forces you to use Interface
Btw Feel free to critique INotifyPropertyChanged implementation. I feel I can re-implement this is a way so that it can handle Explicit inheritance
Thank you all in advance.
[Edit] Changed "explicit inheritance vs explicit interface implementation" - Like Daniel Corrected me, Added Implicit Inheritance code. Obviously one of the inheritances should be commented out...
As I said in my comment, you must be doing something wrong in the code you didn't show us. Here the event is raised:
var example = new Example();
((INotifyPropertyChanged)example).PropertyChanged += OnAChanged;
((IExample)example).A = "new string";