As the CUDA programming model matures, I wonder if anyone is aware of any available research code or open-source libraries that implement sparse Cholesky factorizations on NVIDIA GPUs.
On May 2012, I 've been pointed to the following literature by V. Volkov
[1] Christen et al., 2007 General-Purpose Sparse Matrix Building Blocks using the NVIDIA CUDA Technology Platform,
[2] Krawezik and Poole, 2009, Accelerating the ANSYS Direct Sparse Solver with GPUs,
[3] Yu et al., 2011, A CPU-GPU hybrid approach for the unsymmetric multifrontal method,
[4] George et al., 2011, Multifrontal Factorization of Sparse SPD Matrices on GPUs,
[5] Lucas et al., 2012, Multifrontal Sparse Matrix Factorization on Graphics Processing Units,
Tim Davis work suitesparse and nVIDIA's acceleration cusparse. AMD might support Cholesky decomposition in the near future.