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With Jasmine-jQuery I tried to use fixture HTML but test doesn't pass

I am newbie of Jasmine-jQuery. I tried to use fixture HTML but test doesn't pass.


  <p id="0">

describe "FakeCodeForQuestion", ->
  describe "with HTML fixture", ->
    beforeEach ->
      loadFixtures "fixture.html"   ### Load Fixture
      @obj = new FakeCodeForQuestion

    describe "#addText", ->
      beforeEach ->
        @obj.addTextToParagraph0()   ### Change DOM

      it "should add text", ->
        expect($('p#0')).toHavaText "text"   ### Get Changed DOM

root = exports ? this
class root.FakeCodeForQuestion
  addTextToParagraph0: ->
    $('p0').text "text"

Jasmine Result:

FakeCodeForQuestion with HTML fixture #addText should add text.
TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'toHavaText'
TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'toHavaText'
    at null.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8888/__spec__/p130318_fake_code_for_question_spec.js:14:35)
    at jasmine.Block.execute (http://localhost:8888/__jasmine__/jasmine.js:1064:17)
    at jasmine.Queue.next_ (http://localhost:8888/__jasmine__/jasmine.js:2096:31)
    at goAgain (http://localhost:8888/__jasmine__/jasmine.js:2086:18)

Thank you for your kindness.


  • describe "FakeCodeForQuestion", ->
      describe "with HTML fixture", ->
        beforeEach ->
          loadFixtures "fixture.html"   ### Load Fixture
          @obj = new FakeCodeForQuestion
        describe "#addText", ->
           beforeEach ->
            @obj.addTextToParagraph0()   ### Change DOM
           it "should add text", ->
            expect($('p#0')).toHavaText "text"   ### Get Changed DOM

    The result you got, no method 'toHavaText' gives you the indication, you want toHaveText instead