As of right now, this javascript:
FB.init({appId: "123456789", status: true, cookie: true, xfbml:true });
function postToFeed(description) {
var obj = {
method: 'feed',
redirect_uri: '',
link: '',
picture: '',
name: 'TheLiveSite',
caption: 'Here's a caption',
description: description,
function callback(response) {
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = "Post ID: " + response['post_id'];
FB.ui(obj, callback);
<div id='fb-root'></div>
<p style="position: absolute;">
<a onclick='postToFeed("{{ item.title }}."); return false;'>Share</a>
<p id='msg'></p>
renders a box like this:
What do I have to do to make it a popout window dialog like this?:
Add this: display: "popup
var obj = {
method: 'feed',
redirect_uri: '',
link: '',
picture: '',
name: 'TheLiveSite',
caption: "Here's a caption",
description: description,
display: "popup"