First ever question on here! For some reason I can't get the badgeCls option to work in Sencha Touch. I'm trying to change the colour of the badge, but the class I pass isn't showing up on the actual badge when it renders.
I've done a quick example here:
and set the badge class to 'green' for the tab item (which is defined in the CSS).
badgeCls: 'green'
When the app is rendered, the class 'green' is missing from the class:
<span style="" class="x-badge" id="ext-element-20">!!</span>
adding in 'green' to the class in the inspector does change the colour, so it appears that I'm using 'badgeCls' incorrectly, or it's just broken! Any ideas?
I created a small 'fix' for the
. I hope this helps you.
Ext.define('', {
override: '',
onItemAdd: function(card) {
var me = this;
if (!card.isInnerItem()) {
return me.callParent(arguments);
var tabBar = me.getTabBar(),
initialConfig = card.getInitialConfig(),
tabConfig = || {},
tabTitle = (card.getTitle) ? card.getTitle() : initialConfig.title,
tabIconCls = (card.getIconCls) ? card.getIconCls() : initialConfig.iconCls,
tabHidden = (card.getHidden) ? card.getHidden() : initialConfig.hidden,
tabDisabled = (card.getDisabled) ? card.getDisabled() : initialConfig.disabled,
tabBadgeText = (card.getBadgeText) ? card.getBadgeText() : initialConfig.badgeText,
tabBadgeCls = (card.getBadgeCls) ? card.getBadgeCls() : initialConfig.badgeCls,
innerItems = me.getInnerItems(),
index = innerItems.indexOf(card),
tabs = tabBar.getItems(),
activeTab = tabBar.getActiveTab(),
currentTabInstance = (tabs.length >= innerItems.length) && tabs.getAt(index),
if (tabTitle && !tabConfig.title) {
tabConfig.title = tabTitle;
if (tabIconCls && !tabConfig.iconCls) {
tabConfig.iconCls = tabIconCls;
if (tabHidden && !tabConfig.hidden) {
tabConfig.hidden = tabHidden;
if (tabDisabled && !tabConfig.disabled) {
tabConfig.disabled = tabDisabled;
if (tabBadgeText && !tabConfig.badgeText) {
tabConfig.badgeText = tabBadgeText;
if (tabBadgeCls && !tabConfig.badgeCls) {
tabConfig.badgeCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'badge ' + tabBadgeCls;
//<debug warn>
if (!currentTabInstance && !tabConfig.title && !tabConfig.iconCls) {
if (!tabConfig.title && !tabConfig.iconCls) {
Ext.Logger.error('Adding a card to a tab container without specifying any tab configuration');
tabInstance = Ext.factory(tabConfig,, currentTabInstance);
if (!currentTabInstance) {
tabBar.insert(index, tabInstance);
} = tabInstance;
if (!activeTab && activeTab !== 0) {