I'm building a web app for a touch screen computer which needs an on-screen keyboard and am attempting to use this excellent (or the least the only one I was able to find that wasn't terrible) keyboard. https://github.com/Mottie/Keyboard/
The problem is, as you might have guessed already, that the model doesn't get updated when using the on-screen keyboard. This is my code, which sort of works but it all sorts of ugly:
The partitial HTML:
<input type="text" class="keyboard" ng-model="newUser.name">
<input type="text" class="keyboard" ng-model="newUser.email>
Initializing the keyboard, from the partitial page controller:
stickyShift: false,
usePreview: false,
autoAccept: true,
change: function(e, kb, el) {
$scope.newUser.name = el.value;
So on change triggered by the jQuery plugin I can run something. Obviously this only works updating a single field/model, the name one (while the email one doesn't work at all and will overwrite the name field), I need any number of fields to be updated when used with the keyboard, and the correct one. How do I solve this in a less terrible, not hardcoded (if possible and not too complex) way?
The way to write this in Angular is to actually write a directive. You can assosciate a directive with a particular class name.
So, your directive would look something like
return {
require : '?ngModel',
restrict : 'C',
link : function(scope,element,attrs,ngModelCtrl){
stickyShift: false,
usePreview: false,
autoAccept: true,
change: function(e, kb, el) {
Now if any element has both a class of keyboard and ng-Model defined then, your keyboard should pop-up. Hope this helps.