In Excel i am using following formula :-
="Select Count(1) Into Count1 From TRB_TPOAR Where tpo_id='" & A2 & "' and eta_id=old_eta_id and date_creation=to_date('" & B2 & "','dd/mm/yyyy HH24:MI:SS') and UTL1_EDS_ID='DEI037';
if Count1>0 then
Update TRB_TPOAR Set Eta_id=new_eta_id Where tpo_id='" & A2 & "' and eta_id=old_eta_id and date_creation=to_date('" & B2 & "','dd/mm/yyyy HH24:MI:SS') and UTL1_EDS_ID='DEI037';
end if;"
In excel sheet Column B contains datetime information(eg 1/14/2013 12:20:01 PM), But when i apply the formula,it adds some other numeric value.Can anyone help me,what are the changes to make in above formula?
In your case, Excel returns the serila number of the date in referenced cell. To make sure it returns a string dispaying the date in the format you want, use =TEXT(cell, FormatString)
E.g.: TEXT(C2, "dd/mmm/yy")
Bonne chance