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Multiple Numbers of var possible?

How can I add Multiple var in this code?

var trimChars = "ab";

sample I want to add:

"ab", "as", "Ab", "As"

is that possible?

further more heres some of my code:

if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
    string Slb = lb.SelectedText.ToString();
             var trimChars = "ab";
             var trimmed = Slb.TrimStart(trimChars.ToCharArray());
             rtb.SelectedText = trimmed;


thanks in advance and sorry for this newbie question :) .more power!


  • to remove strings from the start you can use :-

    public string RemoveFromStart(string s, IEnumerable<string> strings )
                foreach (var x in strings.Where(s.StartsWith))
                    return s.Remove(0, x.Length);
                return s;

    and use it like

    var x = RemoveFromStart("ablah", new[] { "ab", "as", "Ab", "As" });

    or with your code

    var trimmed = RemoveFromStart(Slb, new string[] { "ab", "as", "Ab", "As" });