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jsPlumb using a click instead of dragging to connect elements

I am trying to use jsPlumb to connect questions with answers in a quiz. I have most of this working expect I want to be able to click a question and then click an answer instead of dragging from an endpoint to another endpoint. This is because dragging on a touch device is tedious. Is this possible?

Here is my jsbin with the dragging working

Here is the jquery I am using.

$(document).ready(function () {  
   var targetOption = {
        anchor: "LeftMiddle",
        isSource: false,
        isTarget: true,
        reattach: true,
        endpoint: "Rectangle",
        connector: "Straight",
        connectorStyle: { strokeStyle: "#ccc", lineWidth: 5 },
        paintStyle: { width: 20, height: 20, fillStyle: "#ccc" },
        setDragAllowedWhenFull: true

    var sourceOption = {
        tolerance: "touch",
        anchor: "RightMiddle",
        maxConnections: 1,
        isSource: true,
        isTarget: false,
        reattach: true,
        endpoint: "Rectangle",
        connector: "Straight",
        connectorStyle: { strokeStyle: "#ccc", lineWidth: 5 },
        paintStyle: { width: 20, height: 20, fillStyle: "#ccc" },
        setDragAllowedWhenFull: true

        ConnectionsDetachable: true,
        ReattachConnections: true

    jsPlumb.addEndpoint('match1', sourceOption);
    jsPlumb.addEndpoint('match2', sourceOption);
    jsPlumb.addEndpoint('match3', sourceOption);
    jsPlumb.addEndpoint('match4', sourceOption);
    jsPlumb.addEndpoint('answer1', targetOption);
    jsPlumb.addEndpoint('answer2', targetOption);
    jsPlumb.addEndpoint('answer3', targetOption);
    jsPlumb.addEndpoint('answer4', targetOption);


  • I think if you don't need draggable, then you shouldn't use it, and go with normal click=connect approach.

    Here is an example:

    Basically what I did:

    //current question clicked on
    var questionSelected = null;
    var questionEndpoint = null;
    //remember the question you clicked on
    $("ul.linematchitem > li").click( function () {
        //remove endpoint if there is one
        if( questionSelected !== null )
        //add new endpoint
        questionSelected = $(this)[0];
        questionEndpoint = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(questionSelected, sourceOption);
    //now click on an answer to link it with previously selected question
    $("ul.linematchplace > li").click( function () {
        //we must have previously selected question
        //for this to work
        if( questionSelected !== null )
            //create endpoint
            var answer = jsPlumb.addEndpoint($(this)[0], targetOption);
            //link it
            jsPlumb.connect({ source: questionEndpoint, target: answer }); 
            questionSelected = null;
            questionEndpoint = null;

    When you click on the question list element - it adds endpoint, when you click on the answer element - it also adds endpoint and connects it with previously selected question.

    I believe this is what you wanted to do ?

    click to connect

    P.S. As a side note, to make this more intuitive for the user, make endpoints for questions visible first, so the user would figure out what to do - click. Once question is selected, available answer endpoints can pop-up hinting where user should click next.