I can't figure out how to manage checkbox images size. Of course, it is possible to create different size of image in my Texture atlas and take appropriate one, but I don't want to do that.
Here is my code:
AtlasRegion checkboxOn = AssetsHelper.textures.findRegion("checked");
AtlasRegion checkboxOff = AssetsHelper.textures.findRegion("unchecked");
CheckBoxStyle checkBoxStyle = new CheckBoxStyle();
checkBoxStyle.font = AssetsHelper.font66yellow;
checkBoxStyle.checkboxOff = checkboxOff;
checkBoxStyle.checkboxOn = checkboxOn;
CheckBox cbSound = new CheckBox(" Sound", checkBoxStyle);
cbSound object doesn't have such methods to rezise image of checkbox, but there is method getImage(), but seems it doesn't work too. This is not working:
cbSound.getImage().width = 120;
cbSound.getImage().height = 120;
FYI: for example, when I wanted to draw image I did like that:
batch.draw(textureRegion, 0, 0, widthIwant, heightIwant);
But in CheckBox class there is overrided only this (without setting width and height):
public void draw (SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) {
image.setRegion(isChecked ? style.checkboxOn : style.checkboxOff);
super.draw(batch, parentAlpha);
Question: how can I change width and height of checkbox image?
Thanks in advance.
The libgdx widgets are using drawables for drawing images. A drawable gets automatically scaled to fit the cell it is in. So in order to change the image size, change the cell size:
cbSound.getCells().get(0).size(widht, height);
For better results, you should use a nine patch for the drawable.