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cftextarea richtext editor not working in IE10

I am having issues with <cftextarea> with richtext="true" in IE10. The problem is that <cftextarea> uses FCK Editor which appears to be incompatible with IE10.

It is going to be a huge job reworking this using CK Editor (which would be my first choice). Does anyone know how to force the built-in ColdFusion rich text editor to be compatible with IE10?

I have tried editing the fckeditor.js and fckutils.cfm file so that it takes into account the IE10 version number using two digits. However, these files do not seem to be being picked up/used by the cftextarea instance that I am using. However, the fckeditor.html file is being hit.

The changes I made to fckeditor.js:

// Internet Explorer 5.5+
if ( /*@cc_on!@*/false && sAgent.indexOf("mac") == -1 )
    //var sBrowserVersion = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (.\..)/)[1] ;
    var sBrowserVersion = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+)/)[1] ;
    return ( sBrowserVersion >= 5.5 ) ;

The changes I made in fckutils.cfm

// check for Internet Explorer ( >= 5.5 )
if( find( "msie", sAgent ) and not find( "mac", sAgent ) and not find( "opera", sAgent ) )
    // try to extract IE version
    stResult = reFind( "msie ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)", sAgent, 1, true );
    if( arrayLen( stResult.pos ) eq 2 )
        // get IE Version
        sBrowserVersion = mid( sAgent, stResult.pos[2], stResult.len[2] );
        if( sBrowserVersion GTE 5.5 )
            isCompatibleBrowser = true;

For the cftextarea FCK Editor instance, should I be making any other changes somewhere?


  • I resolved the issue by using the ajaxonload() function in coldfusion.