I'm evaluating the dozer framework right. I was wondering whether it is possible to handle the following use case:
the classes:
public ClassA {
private Set<ItemA> aItems;
public ClassB {
private ClassC cInstance;
public ClassC {
private List<ItemB> bItems;
the dozer mapping:
From my testings so far, this doesn't seem to work. I was especially wondering how should I tell dozer that it should generate an instance of ClassB and ClassC on demand? Especially do I need a specific dozer mapping for ClassB, which only exists as "intermediate" class in my destination model?
PS: If it helps, my destination model consists of JAXB classes
PPS: I also tried to modify the setter method for cInstance that if it is null it should generate a new instance of ClassC - unfortunately, without any luck. Furthermore, I do not want to modify the setter method in that way (however, maybe I can outsource this to a Factory class that will be utilised for the mapping)
So it looks like that the final solution is rather simple, since my destination classes are JAXB classes, I could simply utilise the default factory for JAXB classes (org.dozer.factory.JAXBBeanFactory). The tipping point probably is that the deep mapping destination field should be accessed directly ('is-accessible="true"'). However, I also created a further direct mapping from ClassA.aitems to ClassC.cItems (but I'm not 100% sure whether this will be utilised for the described ClassA to ClassB mapping). Anyway, finally I found a rather simple and intuitive solution with less/no additional factory coding.