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Can not link a Series to a chart SeriesDefinitions in BIRT

I am trying hard to implement a charting extension to an app that i am developing : so my problem is that I have written some code (the boiler plate one) for doing this in BIRT.

At some place in the code, I have to link the dataset to a series and link the series to a seriesdefinition object which finally will be attached to the charts seriesDefinitions like this

  RadarSeries radarSeries = RadarSeriesImpl.create();
  radarSeries.setSeriesIdentifier("Number data values");

where numberDataValues is an array of doubles. Then I create my seriesDefinition :

  SeriesDefinition seriesDefinition = SeriesDefinitionImpl.create();

But then, here comes the time when I have to LINK my radarSeries to the seriesDefinition like this :


THE PROBLEM : I don't have the getSeriesDefinitions() method when trying to call it from code (doing a Ctrl+Space in Eclipse).

Needless to say that I can't call the getSeriesDefinitions() method on myChart object :


FOR YOUR INFORMATION : I have included my birt jars manually in my local maven repository and the details of these dependencies are :


where ${birtVersion} = 2.6.2

here is a link to the official example of the 2.6.2 release of birt about RadarChart : Radar chart official release example

Can somebody help me ? I really can't believe I didn't found out how to do this in a 3days google search session : that not serious! ... given its popularity and its power, I think they should have invested more effort in the documentation ...

@Birt guyz (if any) > sorry to be so dramatic guys, but I really think that the doc side really sucks ... I hope to be able to help you on this (really, I do)

Here is the code :

public String drawChart() {
        // Birt Vars
    IDeviceRenderer iDeviceRenderer = null;
    IDisplayServer iDisplayServer = null;
    RunTimeContext context;
    Chart chart = null;

    // Birt Platform configuration
    PlatformConfig platformConfig = new PlatformConfig();
    platformConfig.setProperty("STANDALONE", true);

    // Creating Chart Engine
    ChartEngine chartEngine = ChartEngine.instance(platformConfig);
    IGenerator iGenerator = chartEngine.getGenerator();
    if(iGenerator == null)
        System.out.println("IGenerator NULL");
        System.out.println("IGenerator NOT NULL");

    try {
        // iDeviceRenderer = chartEngine.getRenderer("dv.PNG");
        iDeviceRenderer = chartEngine.getRenderer("dv.GIF");
        iDisplayServer = iDeviceRenderer.getDisplayServer();
    } catch (Exception e) {

    // Creating Chart
    ChartWithoutAxes radarChart = ChartWithoutAxesImpl.create( );
    radarChart.setDimension( ChartDimension.TWO_DIMENSIONAL_LITERAL );
    radarChart.setType(Radar.TYPE_LITERAL); //$NON-NLS-1$   
    radarChart.setSubType( "Standard Radar Chart" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Plot
    radarChart.setSeriesThickness( 10 );

    // Legend
    Legend lg = radarChart.getLegend( );
    lg.getOutline( ).setVisible( true );

    // Title
    radarChart.getTitle( )
            .getLabel( )
            .getCaption( )
            .setValue( "Radar Chart" );//$NON-NLS-1$

    try {

        if(radarChart != null)
            System.out.println("RADAR CHART NOT NULL");
            System.out.println("RADAR CHART NULL!!!");

        // PREPARE PHASE
        context = Generator.instance().prepare(radarChart, null, null, ULocale.getDefault());
        if(context == null)
            System.out.println("CONTEXT NULL ");
            System.out.println("CONTEXT NOT NULL");

        //BIND PHASE : fetch data from DB
        NumberDataSet numberDataValues = NumberDataSetImpl.create( new double[]{
                54, 21, 75, 91, 37
        } );

        // Radar series
        RadarSeries radarSeries = RadarSeriesImpl.create();
        radarSeries.setSeriesIdentifier("Number data values");

        SeriesDefinitionImpl seriesDefinition = (SeriesDefinitionImpl) SeriesDefinitionImpl.create();

           // ERROR HERE : can't call the method

        if(iDisplayServer == null)
            System.out.println("DISPLAY SERVER NULL");
            System.out.println("DISPLAY SERVER NOT NULL");

        GeneratedChartState generatedChartState =, radarChart, null, null, context);
        iGenerator.render(iDeviceRenderer, generatedChartState);
    } catch (Exception e) {



Sorry for the delay : I should have posted this answer earlier to mark this question as solved. Just use the RCP report designer to create your report document. Copy ReportEngine/lib/*jars to your /WEB-INF/lib; also create a platform/ directory under WEB-INF/ and copy BIRT ReportEngine configuration/ and plugins/ directories under the newly created WEB-INF/platform/ folder. Now with the *.rptdesign file that you have created in your BIRT RCP designer tool, you will have to use the BIRT API which will allow you to interact with your report...


  • Sorry for the delay : I should have posted this answer earlier to mark this question as solved.

    Just use the RCP report designer to create your report document. Then copy ReportEngine/lib/*jars to your /WEB-INF/lib; also create a platform/ directory under WEB-INF/ and copy BIRT ReportEngine configuration/ and plugins/ directories under the newly created WEB-INF/platform/ folder.

    Now with the *.rptdesign file that you have created in your BIRT RCP designer tool, you will have to use the BIRT API which will allow you to interact with your report...