I have an expensive computation, the result of which I'd like to cache. Is there some way to make a map with two keys? I'm thinking of something like Map<(Thing1, Thing2), Integer>
Then I could check:
if (! cache.contains(thing1, thing2)) {
return computeResult();
else {
return cache.getValue(thing1, thing2);
pseudocode. But something along those lines.
You need to create a class that holds Thing1 and Thing2, e.g:
class Things {
public final Thing1 thing1;
public final Thing2 thing2;
public Things(Thing1 thing1, Thing2 thing2) {
this.thing1 = thing1;
this.thing2 = thing2;
public boolean equals(Object obj) { ... }
public int hashCode() { ... };
Then to use it:
Things key = new Things(thing1, thing2);
if (!cache.contains(key) {
Integer result = computeResult();
cache.put(key, result);
return result;
} else {
return cache.getValue(key);
Note you have to implement equals and hashcode to make this code work properly. If you need this code to be thread-safe then have a look at ConcurrentHashMap.