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unable to catch svn command output using exec function

I tried to check status of a file in svn working copy by issuing following commmand:

svn status /home/guna/server/local/svndump/site/head.php  

Which outputs results like,

M       /home/guna/server/local/svndump/site/head.php  

But when i tried through the same command in php i got empty array as result,

exec('svn status /home/guna/server/local/svndump/site/head.php',$re);
echo "<pre>";print_r($re);echo '</pre>';

What is the issue here? can somebody help me. Answers appreciated!


  • Finally i found solution. I checked for errors while using exec function by doing this:

    exec('svn status /home/guna/server/local/svndump/site/head.php 2> /tmp/err.txt);

    Then i checked the error log and found following error:
    "/usr/lib/ version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib32/"

    So i copied from /usr/lib/ directory to /opt/lampp/lib/ , issue solved.

    Following two discussions helped me: error not showing in browser and library error