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Unity OSX Standalone Player not storing local data

I'm using Unity 3.5, trying to make a standalone OSX player for my application. Everything goes quite swimmingly until I make a pkg from it using productbuild.

The syntax for my productbuild line is as follows:

productbuild --component "/Applications" --sign "$signingid" ProjectName.pkg

Although this initially seems to work, and produces a pkg file that seems to install the application correctly after asking for permission from a superuser to do so, when I run the installed application, however, I discovered that it was not keeping my save data. Application.datapath evidently, is set to "/Applications/" in this case, and is not world-writable.

As far as I can see, I have two possible solutions: The first is to find some way to make sure that Application.datapath is writable when my application begins. I do not know how I might go about this, however. The only other solution I can see is to make all the necessary changes to my application such that it no longer assumes that Application.datapath is writable, and I will need to establish another location to save my persistent data. If I take this latter approach, I will need also need to know if Unity provides a facility for getting a directory that I can store such data at, because I do not currently know of one.

If there are other approaches beyond the two I've outlined above, I'm definitely open to alternatives, but if anyone can help me wade through what I need to know to accomplish either of the above, I would be equally appreciative on that front as well.

Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can offer.


  • Application.datapath is where the app is stored and owned by root. To get the directory for storing persistent data between runs you need Application.persistentDataPath which is by default somewhere under ~/Library/. I haven't used the OSX stand-alone player but at least for editor player and iOS it works that way.