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Click Event for buttons inside Frames for VBA in Excel

In Excel I insert an ActiveX Frame into a worksheet. Right clicking this frame allows me to select:

Frame Object>Edit

Now I am able to add a button to this frame. Great.

How do I add a _Click event to this button so that it will run a macro?


  • Basically, what you need to do is to create you own class, for instance, "XButton". Inside this 'XButton' there will be an event handler for the button object that is inside the frame.

    So you can handle all of the events that are sent by 'btn' and forward it further. Then you will have to create a custom interface (empty class) IXButtonEventHandler, that will look something like this:

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub Click(Sender as XButton)
    End Sub

    So, your custom class XButton will look like this:

    Private WithEvents btn as MSForms.CommandButton
    Private mEventHandler as IXButtonEventHandler
    Public Sub CreateObject(EventHandlerOf as MSForms.CommandButton, EventHandler as IXButtonEventHandler)
         Set btn = EventHandlerOf
         Set mEventHandler = EventHandler
    End Sub
    Private Sub btn_Click()
        If not mEventHandler is Nothing then mEventHandler.Click(Me)
    End Sub

    Let's say, your Workbook will be the event handler and will need to implement the IXButtonEventHandler interface, for instance:

    Implements IXButtonEventHandler
    Private Sub IXButtonEventHandler_Click(Sender as XButton)
        'your code
    End Sub

    On Workbook_Load or whatnot you will need to create a collection of XButtons and attach them to your frame controls:

    Dim xbtn as Collection
    Private Sub AttachButtons()
        Set xbtn = New Collection
        Dim i as Long
        For i = 0 to 3
           Dim xb as New XButton
           xb.CreateObject <YourFrame>.Controls("CommandButton" & Cstr(i)), Me
           xbtn.Add xb
        Next i
    End Sub