I have a for loop that can be executed using schedule(static)
or schedule(dynamic, 10)
depending on a condition. Currently, My code is not DRY (Don't repeat yourself) enough and to accommodate the previous functionality it has the following repetition:
boolean isDynamic; //can be true or false
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(thread_count) default(shared) private(...) schedule(dynamic, 10)
//for code inside
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(thread_count) default(shared) private(...) schedule(static)
//SAME for code inside, in fact, this is the EXACT same for as before
After reading these threads, I noticed that openMP has an #if(expression)
But although I've seen many people with my problem, there seems to be lacking a general solution. The best solution is to transform the body of the for loop into a function, and then have the function called, but this solution is not good enough for me.
So I wonder, does OpenMP have an #if(expression) else
sort of pragma?
Something like:
#if(isDynamic )pragma omp parallel for num_threads(thread_count) default(shared)
private(...) schedule(dynamic, 10)
pragma omp parallel for num_threads(thread_count) default(shared)
private(...) schedule(static)
Or am I forced to place my for loop body into a separate function and call it that way?
This is an interesting question. Basically, you want to change schedule
policy at runtime. As far as I know, there is no such directive for the current OpenMP.
I had the exactly same problem you did. My solution ended up making the loop body as a function, as you mentioned. Otherwise, you need to use an ugly macro.
However, I also tried to use schedule(runtime)
, which reads the environment variable OMP_SCHEDULE
. So, I changed this environment variable at runtime, but didn't work. It's because OpenMP runtime read this environment only once at the beginning. It may be an implementation-specific issue. So, other implementation may read this environment variable on the fly. You may try this approach.