I have a field that currently changes text on a mouse click. This field is on multiple pages of my report, but clicking it only changes the text for that page. Here is my code for that:
const string sShowDetail2 = "Show Cumulative";
const string sHideDetail2 = "Hide Cumulative";
ArrayList expandedValues2 = new ArrayList();
// This function returns a value indicating whether a certain
// category's details should be expanded.
bool ShouldShowDetail2(int CategoryID)
return expandedValues2.Contains(CategoryID);
private void lbShowHide2_BeforePrint(object sender, PrintEventArgs e)
XRLabel label = (XRLabel)sender;
if (ShouldShowDetail2((int)label.Tag))
label.Text = sHideDetail2;
label.Text = sShowDetail2;
private void lbShowHide2_PreviewClick(object sender, PreviewMouseEventArgs e)
// Obtain the category's ID stored in the label's Tag property.
int index = (int)e.Brick.Value;
// Determine whether the current category's details are shown.
bool showDetail2 = ShouldShowDetail2(index);
// Toggle the visibility of the category's details.
if (showDetail2)
Now I have another field that I need to simply toggle all instances of the field(every page) on click. I do not need it to read the tag of the particular one I clicked because it will be changing all of them at the same time. My problem is that I don't know how to get them all to change on mouse click. How could I modify the code above to change all instances of the label?
Here is something you could try
private void ChangeXRLabels(Control control)
foreach(Control childControl in control.Controls)
XRLabel label = childControl as XRLabel;
if(label != string.Empty)
label.Text = "Your Text Value goes Here";
else if(childControl.Controls.Count > 0)