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Accessing global variables with node.js and CoffeeScript

I'm trying to declare global variables for my applications that I'm writing using Node.js and CoffeeScript. So I'm declaring it in a common file that is concatenated to both applications after compilation. In that file I have for example:

root = exports ? this
root.myVariable = 300

So my first application is a HTML one. When I try to access this variable, for example by

console.log myVariable

There is no problem with it. But my other application is a server application lauched by node command and I cannot access that variable in that application. I tried:

console.log root.myVariable
console.log myVariable

With first line I'm getting 'undefined' printed (so it looks that root is defined) and with the second one, I'm getting ReferenceError - myVariable is undefined.

So how can I access this variable?

Here is an output code in Javascript that I get, I guess it might be helpful:

(function() {
  var root, _ref;

  root = (_ref = typeof module !== "undefined" && module !== null ? module.exports : void 0) != null ? _ref : this;

  root.myVariable = 300;


(function() {





  • You're close, but you need to change things just a little bit

    module.exports =
      foo: "bar"
      hello: "world"
        user: alice
        pass: password1
    # lib/
    config = require "../config"
    # lib/
    config = require "../config"
    # lib/
    dbconfig = require("../config").db