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How Find Boundary of Loaded Map Tiles on Route Me Open Source Map?

Using following open source Route Me app I am loading Maptiles

mapview = [[RMMapView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 320.0f, 460.0f)];
[mapview setBackgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
mapview.delegate = self;

id <RMTileSource> tileSource = [[[RMDBMapSource alloc] initWithPath:"@tilefile.db"] autorelease];

RMMapContents *rmcontents = [[RMMapContents alloc] initWithView:mapview tilesource:tileSource]; 
[self.view addSubview:mapview];//attached to mapview

It would be great if there is a method in RMMapContents that lets me get maps 4 corners as CLLocationCoordinate2D? There is a

- (RMSphericalTrapezium) latitudeLongitudeBoundingBox; 

How do I get the 4 corner location from above method?


  • You have to write yourself such a method:

    RMSphericalTrapezium trap;
    CLLocationCoordinate2D nePoint = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(

    The remaining 3 points, use southeast, southwest and northwest, analog to above.