Angular-scenario works well when your angular app is ready on DOM ready. Is not the case when using requirejs or an other AMD lib. How to add support for AMD in angular-scenario?
What you have to do is to override the default frame load behaviour and to emit a new event when you amd app is ready.
The first thing is to add the following lines in your angular application along with the angular.bootstrap call. This data is required by angular-scenario.
angular.bootstrap(document, ['app']);
var html = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];
html.setAttribute('ng-app', 'app');
html.dataset.ngApp = 'app';
if (top !== window) {
type: 'loadamd'
}, '*');
Next, in your e2e runner, you have to include those lines. If it's an external script, it must be loaded after angular-scenario and it must be parsed before the DOM is ready :
* Hack to support amd with angular-scenario
(function() {
var setUpAndRun = angular.scenario.setUpAndRun;
angular.scenario.setUpAndRun = function(config) {
if (config.useamd) {
return setUpAndRun.apply(this, arguments);
function amdSupport() {
var getFrame_ = angular.scenario.Application.prototype.getFrame_;
* This function should be added to angular-scenario to support amd. It overrides the load behavior to wait from
* the inner amd frame to be ready.
angular.scenario.Application.prototype.getFrame_ = function() {
var frame = getFrame_.apply(this, arguments);
var load = frame.load;
frame.load = function(fn) {
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
angular.element(window).bind('message', function(e) {
if ( && e.source === frame.prop('contentWindow') && === 'loadamd') {, e);
return this;
return load.apply(this, arguments);
return frame;
Finally, to enable the amd configuration, you must add the attribute ng-useamd to angular-scenario's script tag.
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/angular-1.0.3/angular-scenario.js" ng-autotest ng-useamd></script>
You're now ready to go
tested with angular-scenario v1.0.3